
Life in Toronto

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Bruised Wrist and chin

I played softball last night for the first time with my company team. There are muscles in my body that never worked before. I guess catching and throwing make these muscles work hard. I hit the ball once and made it to the first base and ran to the second base when the other guy hit the ball and then I was out. I don’t know exactly why. The rules are very complicated. I was standing behind the batter (I really don’t know the name of that position) and one of the guys throw the ball at me and I tried to catch it but it hit my wrist and bounced and hit my chin. I have a giant bruise on my wrist and a tiny one on my chin. I guess I didn’t know softball ball is so heavy. I’m playing beach volley tonight. I hope I can use my wrist. Weekend is almost here and it’s going to be fun. I have the Canada – Argentina under 20 game on Friday and then I’m going out for one of the girls birthday. I have rock climbing with Neg. and a TFC game on Saturday. Hopefully I can get some rest on Sunday. By the way I’m right at 110lb and I’m going to keep it. Quitting alcohol will help me maintain the weight.

After the softball game I played first soccer game of my life last night and it was so much fun. We won 4-1 and I passed one of the goals. I think I’m trying to make up for all my teenager day that I didn’t get to play any sport except skiing. Watching tons of soccer kinda helped me play better that someone who’s playing for the first time.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


It’s going to be a crazy weekend. I’m leaving work around 5ish to go pick up my jeans from alteration place. Yeah yeah.. I’m very short.. I can’t find any jeans that fit me. I have to get them altered. Then I’m going to meet up with Leila at tequila book warm for drink and possibly dinner. I have to be in north york around 8 for tequila shot madness! Yeah.. too many tequila in one paragraph doesn’t sound so good. The story is that one of my friend posted in his facebook that he craves tequila … so we are lining up shots tonight. And there is a possibility of playing the new playstation. I might end up going out after that to same cheesy club I hated last week.
Saturday if I’m still alive I’m going rock climbing with Negar and have to go to Nima and Takin’s show. I’m invited to two parties on Saturday. I have to choose to go to one though because I have a race on Sunday morning and I can’t stay out late Saturday night. Sunday sound promising though. It’s going to be a 10K run and brunch after and I’m going to rest and stay home and not do anything at all. Oh shit… I have ultimate practice on Sunday.. well looks like I’m not resting. I just looked… there is a really good game on Sunday. Chelsea vs. Arsenal… here goes my Sunday.

I wrote the above before the weekend and I didn’t post it. So here is what happened.
Went out with Leila. Had an awesome time. She is so funny and sweet. We ordered the asiago and avocado salad and some fruity drink and chatted for two hours. Then I went to my friends place in North York and I did the big mistake of drinking excessive amount of tequila. I ended up throwing up and feeling awful. I didn’t end up going to that cheesy club. I woke up with a massive headache Saturday morning but somehow I managed to go to rock climbing with Neg. We went to Nima’s show, Takin exhibition ( my photo wasn’t that bad) and came back home and I was so tired that I slept until 6 in the morning, which means that I missed both parties. 10 K run was ok did 3 minutes better than last year and while I was talking to one of my colleges that ran with me, I decided that I should quit alcohol. He was telling me that alcohol is the reason I can’t get flat abs.

Here is my new plan. I’m not drinking not even a sip of alcohol until end of July. And I’m pretty damn serious.

Best thing that happened this weekend was the result of Arsenal and Chelsea game. They tied and that made Manchester United the winner of this year premiership league. Also I won a sushi lunch. I bet with one of the guys at work that Man U will win the league. He is a Chelsea fan.