
Life in Toronto

Friday, February 16, 2007

Lemon Cleanse Day 5

I was really hungry last night. We started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer from the first season. It’s great. I like girl super heroes. All night I dreamed about food and then I felt guilty in my dream about eating. My list of food I want to eat is getting bigger. I feel comfort in thinking about food and keep track of food I want to eat. Today food is butter chicken and beryani. There is this Seri Lankan restaurant near my house that has great food. Each order of food is good for 2 or 3 meals and it’s cheap. There is this stuff that comes with the beryani that taste like heaven. I asked a Seri Lankan college about it. It’s coconut scrapes and green chili. It’s hot but it’s heavenly.

This morning I woke up with stomach cramps and I had to go to the washroom. The SWF is getting really hard to do. I was showing my middle finger to the glass of salt water on the table this morning. It’s absolutely yucky. I feel energetic today.
James and I are going to Air Canada Centre to get Toronto FC Jerseys. I’m very excited about owning a Toronto FC shirt. As season ticket holders we get fifteen percent off. I hope they have my size.

The good thing about doing this cleanse is that I don’t have to keep my stomach in when I’m wearing tight clothes, it’s perfectly flat.


Around 3 o’clock in the afternoon is when I really think of quitting this cleanse. I think that’s when your body is tired from work and try to find comfort in food. I usually have a green tea or a coffee at this time, sometimes with a cookie. Well anyone who knows me also knows that I love food, so this is really getting hard. I was thinking of hamburger and chocolate brownies earlier today. After this cleanse I am going to lose 11.5 percent of my body weight. I’m not sure it that’s healthy but I’m going to do it anyway. My body fat percentage is 23, which is under the normal, healthy amount. I’m in the mood to find a reason to quit early but I guess that’s not happening. I’m a very competitive person.

Because I don’t eat lunch, I have about an hour to kill every day which I usually don’t take anyway. However today I went to Air Canada Centre and picked up a red Toronto FC jersey. It’s dry-fit and very nice. James suggests that I wear it with a short skirt in the summer.

I feel like toasted bagel with cream cheese.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Lemon Cleanse Day 4

I didn’t get a chance to write anything last night. I was so energetic at work and I did lots of work. Lot of old stuff that needed to be done and I clean up my desk and had a long meeting and all went very good. I didn’t feel hungry at all. I went to a bar on Bloor street after work and watched the Raptors game. I didn’t feel that much of craving when I watched people eating food. I don’t think I’m going to have too much bar food after this cleanse. I was craving apple at one point yesterday. When we were watching the game, James and I planned the food we are going to eat after the cleans. James is going to drink a smoothie after the tenth SWF. I’m going to wait until 5 or 6 in the afternoon when we have our company party and start drinking orange juice and I’m planning to drink my laxative tea on tenth day as well and the next morning I’m going to have the smoothie and we are going to meet up for lunch to have sushi. For dinner we are going to have salad with cheese and maybe some avocado. The best part will be Saturday morning when we are going to Cranberries for brunch and I’m going to order steak and eggs. Mmm. . . . Yummy! And that’s going to be my red meat of the week. I really want to stick to the one day a week red meat plan.

I woke up really early this morning. I tried to go back to sleep again and got up around 7. As soon as I got out of bed I started sweating like crazy. It was dripping. My top was almost wet. I normally sweat like this if I run a 5 kilometer. I did my SWF which I’m planning to call FSWF, it’s disgusting. And it took 45 minutes for the water to make its way out. I was getting worried because I wanted to finish going to the bathroom before getting out of the house. I’m still passing solid stuff and that yellow thing! I have no idea what that it. Also there is this green algae looking stuff. I wonder what else is inside my body. My craving of the day is oysters with beer!


I thought of food all day. I’m not hungry I just want to be able to taste food. I’m thinking of all kind of cheese and stuff I’m going to make after this. I actually made an excel file with days and plans for each day. It’s going to be so much fun.
I’m losing half a kilogram a day. By the end of it I will be 46.5 kilogram. I know I will gain half of it back which is great. I want to stay between 48 and 49. I still don’t know why I was sweating this morning. James thinks that maybe my skin is trying to adjust with the new body fat. I think sweating is for cooling down the body and I think I had some sort of fight in body against toxic stuff. I guess we never know what exactly happened. I hope I don’t get it again, it’s not fun.
I’m planning to go watch 2 movies in the weekend and keep myself busy. After the weekend it’s going to be an easy ride.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Lemon Cleanse Day 3

I had really bad stomach cramps last night. More of yellow stuff came out. I wonder what that stuff is. I had a bit of headache last night and this morning. SWF was not that bad today. It works instantly for me. It was freezing in the way to work. We got fifteen centimeters of snow last night. I feel fine now. I started drinking my lemon drink and green tea. Today I feel like eating baked potato and sour cream! I was talking to James last night about ordering pizza hut after we finished the lemon cleanse.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Lemon Cleanse Day 2

I had a good night's sleep last night. Well, not at the beginning when I woke up to the sound of something breaking in the kitchen. It turned out that my roommate broke my cheese platter glass cover. I went back to sleep and woke up around 7. This classical music radio station is very good to wake up to. I was looking forward to the SWF, but I tell you, it’s the worst thing. I felt like throwing up a couple of times. I had to go to the washroom halfway through the bottle and a couple of times before leaving the house. I’m passing a florescent yellow liquid. I have no idea what it is but it’s shiny yellow. I‘m thinking it might be the remainder of the multi-vitamins I've taken every day for the past couple of years.
I don’t feel hungry at all. My lemon drink tastes too sweet. I should put less maple syrup in it. My only concern is that my breath might smell really bad. I used some Listerine mouth-wash today and brought my toothbrush to work so I can brush my teeth before my meeting. I feel like I usually do everyday, and I’m not thinking of food or feeling lightheaded like yesterday.


Damn . . . someone is eating popcorn in the office! I made my second lemon drink and am feeling pretty good. The bright yellow stuff has gotten paler!


I’m not hungry but I miss the taste of food. I feel like tuna now. Maybe I will get an avocado wrap with tuna in 8 days. All these years I took for granted that I can eat and taste and smell food whenever I want.


I drank my laxative tea and I feel a bit tired and dizzy…
I found this video which is very encouraging.

10: 13

The laxative tea is working pretty fast! It's been 48 hours since I ate and I've done 2 salt water flushes and it's amazing how much junk I have in my body. I have a bit of headache.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Lemon Cleanse

After postponing it for a week, James and I started this lemon cleanse. I've done this before for 8 days. It's difficult for the first two days and then it becomes easy. We woke up today and did the SWF (salt water flush). It's not pleasant, that's for sure, but I try to think of something nice when I drink that warm, salty water. Then after 5 minutes you really gotta go and it flushes your body, going through you and cleaning your system. I was not my energetic self today. I wasn't the master of multi-tasking, but it was ok. I managed to finish work and come home. I had my third bottle of lemon drink and the laxative tea. I even managed to practice some baseball, tennis and bowling with my Wii. I watched a short movie and I felt pretty good.
Nine more days to go . . . it helps if Bahman (my roommate) doesn't warm up food but he lives here I can't do anything about it.
I'm actually looking forward to SWF. I want to get as much garbage as I can from my body. For some reason I was craving avocado today.

After this cleanse I want to:
- only eat red meat once or twice a week
- eat a lot of vegetables and fruits everday
- avoid any kind of carbonated or sweetened soft drink
- absolutely no junk food (except bacon -- is bacon junk food?)
- only one non-vegetarian meal a day
- drink plenty of water and green tea
